

來源: 2008-12-10

2001年春天,在我天天上下班的路上,一家商店門前掛了一條條幅,慶賀自己的 商店榮獲了“xxx放心商店”稱號(具體名稱我已記不清了),天天從這里往返, 我對這“放心”二字耿耿于懷,有一天我專門帶著相機把它拍了下來。陸陸續(xù)續(xù)我又見到了一些冠以“放心”的物品和場景,它深深地刺激著我。我們的生活已到了事事處處要告誡世人——你生活中碰到的一切都是可以“放心”的地步,這怎能叫人“放心”哪。



    In the spring of 2001, on my way to go to work, a scroll was hanged on the door of a store to celebrate this store won the title of “xxx Safe Store” ( I forgot the name of the title). I could not stop thinking about the word “safe” since I saw it day by day, so I took a photo of it. Later, I kept seeing some things and scenes which were named by “Safe”. Those leave a deep impression to me. Nowadays, people are told that everything in our life is “safe” in everywhere and at every time. However, can these really make people “safe”?

    Liang Yue



