
“這就是我”AccessAbility | 攝影肖像X影像服裝展






參展藝術(shù)家:Markus Marcetic, 叢妍



門票:展期內(nèi)20元(含一杯PAIX咖啡飲品) 藝術(shù)家:Markus Marcetic, 叢妍 合作機(jī)構(gòu):北京服裝學(xué)院無障礙研究中心 主辦方:往來文化InterCulture 聯(lián)合主辦:北京丹麥文化中心,瑞典對外交流學(xué)院 贊助方:MAXHUB,Bon Parfumeur柏氛



2021年9月25日至10月24日,往來文化將與瑞典對外交流學(xué)院和丹麥文化中心聯(lián)合推出“這就是我”(AccessAbility)展覽及系列活動(dòng)。展覽呈現(xiàn)了26位來自不同背景和各行各業(yè)的主人公的肖像。他們的故事傳遞著他們的希望、愿景和夢想。這26位人士身患不同類型的殘障,但他們代表的是他們自己,而不是身體的殘障。殘障不能定義他們是誰。展覽還將展示無障礙服裝以及不同功能的輪椅等物品和設(shè)計(jì),以增進(jìn)觀眾對殘障人士需求的了解。 在聯(lián)合國《殘疾人權(quán)利公約》中,“無障礙”的英文是“accessibility”,其含義為可及性,易進(jìn)入性——每個(gè)個(gè)體都能真實(shí)、平等地融入社會(huì)。每個(gè)聯(lián)合國成員國必須通過政策對抗歧視,消除不平等差距,并將無障礙納入日常生活。每個(gè)人都可以為一個(gè)更加多樣化、更加平等的社會(huì)做出貢獻(xiàn)。給予每個(gè)人同等的機(jī)會(huì)被了解、被傾聽是朝著正確的方向邁進(jìn)的一大步。 這26幅肖像無法全面講述中國約9000萬殘障人士的生活,也無法充分展示瑞典約7萬登記在冊的殘障人士的生活。但他們的聲音讓我們清楚地感受到,我們的共同之處要比不同之處多得多。 通過這次展覽籌備,我們獲得了許多全新的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。例如,某些感官或器官的缺失會(huì)激發(fā)生命用另一種代償方式去感受和認(rèn)知,例如障礙不是個(gè)絕對的概念,每個(gè)生命都有它的局限。所謂平等,并非區(qū)別對待,而是無間融合。 From 25 September to 24 October 2021, the exhibition "AccessAbility" will be brought to InterCulture's space in Guangzhou's Huangpu Ancient Port. AccessAbility portrays 26 individuals from various backgrounds and walks of life; 26 people whose hopes, desires, and dreams are shared with the visitors of this exhibition; 26 people who have different types of disabilities but who all stand for themselves, not for their disability. Their common message is that impairment does not determine who you are. The exhibition will also display textiles developed by Universal Fashion Lab (UFL) of the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology (BIFT), as well as wheelchairs with different functions, in order to enhance public understanding of the needs of people with disabilities. Why is the title called "AccessAbility"? In the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the term "accessibility", instead of "barrier-free", indicates that every individual is capable of integrating into society in a meaningful and equal way. In the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the slogan "Leave no one behind" is the central promise that each UN member undertakes to work towards closing the gaps of inequality by combating discrimination and by incorporating accessibility in everyday life. This project intends to visualize that all individuals can contribute to a more diverse and equal society. The 26 portrays cannot tell the whole story about the lives of some 90 million people with disabilities in China, nor the 70,000 people registered as having disabilities in Sweden. But their voices tell us that there is more that unites us than divides us. With the exhibition of these 26 portraits, and a series of interactive side events, InterCulture wants to convey that we are one of a kind; we all want a life in dignity, in a world that treats all of us fairly and equally. This fight has not yet been won. But if arts give everyone the same chance to be seen and heard, this seems to be a step in the right direction. AccessAbility is a co-production between the Swedish Institute, the Danish Cultural Centre and InterCulture. Portraits were captured by Swedish photographer and filmmaker Markus Marcetic, and by the independent Beijing-based photographer CONG Yan.


Artists & Collaboration

叢妍 CONG Yan 自由攝影師,常駐北京,主要關(guān)注女性議題、城鄉(xiāng)發(fā)展和社會(huì)議題。作品曾在多家中外媒體上發(fā)表。

Markus Marcetic 馬庫斯·馬斯蒂克 瑞典攝影師兼電影制作人,在媒體領(lǐng)域鉆研多年,涉獵廣泛,主要專注于視覺傳達(dá)。

北京服裝學(xué)院 無障礙研究中心 UFL, BFLT 北服無障礙服裝研究中心聚焦殘障人士對無障礙服裝服飾的需求,綜合人體工學(xué)、材料學(xué)、心理學(xué),運(yùn)動(dòng)醫(yī)學(xué)以及設(shè)計(jì)學(xué)科等諸多領(lǐng)域,在無障礙產(chǎn)品研發(fā)及標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化領(lǐng)域有所突破。 展覽開幕式 Opening Ceremony 開幕式日程 Program 15:00 入場 Guests arrival 16:00 開幕致辭 Opening speech 16:30 演出對話 Performance & Dialogue 17:00 導(dǎo)覽酒會(huì) Guided tour & Reception 開幕式活動(dòng) Events 演出活動(dòng):“輪椅先生”張健脫口秀 Talk Show: Mr. Wheelchair ZHANG Jian 張健,一位在馬拉松賽道上活躍已久的特殊輪椅跑者。從2012年至今,張健已“跑”完了83場馬拉松。他說“輪椅”就是他的跑鞋,跑步不僅使他變得更強(qiáng)大,也是他刷存在感的方式——讓殘障人士被更多人看到,融入這個(gè)社會(huì)。 開幕式上他將來到現(xiàn)場,講述他的“跑步”人生。 Zhang Jian, a special wheelchair runner who has been active in the Marathon for years. Since 2012, Zhang Jian has "run" 83 marathons. He said that the "wheelchair" was his running shoes. Running not only makes him stronger, but also his way of showing his sense of existence, allowing the disabled to be seen and integrated into society. He will present in the opening ceremony, and to tell about his life as a runner.

影像交流:《一個(gè)罕見地平常的一天》 Short Film: An Unusually Ordinary Day 這部短片描繪了社會(huì)認(rèn)知逆轉(zhuǎn)后的情形——“異?!弊兂伞罢!?,“正常”變成“異?!?。影片再現(xiàn)了另一種社會(huì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下被劃分為“異常”的人士如何在生活的方方面面受到顯性或隱形的排斥。通過對健全人士和殘障人士社會(huì)身份的反轉(zhuǎn),反思一直以來這個(gè)被健全人標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化了的世界,殘障群體所面臨的問題,是來自社會(huì)的物理障礙和把他們視為另類的負(fù)面態(tài)度,而不是“殘”本身是一個(gè)問題。殘障或許是一個(gè)后天被建構(gòu)的“非正?!睒?biāo)簽。 該片劇本以現(xiàn)實(shí)為基礎(chǔ),通過對不同身心障礙人士的采訪制作完成。 This film is about a reversal issue of social identity, where "abnormal" turns to "normal", and "normal" turns to "abnormal". The film represents how people who are classified as "abnormal" under another social standard are subject to explicit or invisible rejection in every aspect of life. Through the reversal of the social identities of the able-bodied people and the disabled people, to reflect on the world that has been standardized by the able-bodied people. The problems faced by disabled people are physical obstacles in society and negative attitudes that regard them as alternatives, rather than "disability" itself being a problem. Disability may be an "abnormal" label constructed by acquired nature. This film is based on reality and is produced through interviews with people who have different physical and mental disabilities.

UR制作 國家: 瑞典, 2016年 片長:18分鐘

我們還邀請到其他充滿傳奇經(jīng)歷的人物和團(tuán)體在開幕式現(xiàn)場分享故事,展現(xiàn)風(fēng)采! Meanwhile, we also invited some people and groups full of legendary experience to share stories at the opening ceremony, show the distinct characteristics of people and their individuality. 展覽相關(guān)活動(dòng)日程 Related Events 9月25日 *當(dāng)天活動(dòng)僅面向持有VIP邀請函的嘉賓 By invitation only 16:00-17:00 非視覺瑜伽 | Non-visual Yoga 18:15-21:00 黑暗餐桌 | Dining In The Dark 9月26日 *活動(dòng)報(bào)名敬請留意推送 Stay tune for registration 10:00-11:40 非視覺美妝 | Non-visual Makeup 10月 *敬請留意推送 Stay tune for upcoming public events. 系列公教活動(dòng) | Oct. Public Education Program
